How Sharpen-Free Instruments Improve Patient Comfort



How Sharpen-Free Instruments Improve Patient Comfort

I love an excellent hygiene topic. Let me tell you what I see in this title: “sharpen-free” and “patient comfort,” a.k.a. the recipe for a great day as a dental hygienist. Even better, there’s only one thing we need to acquire these hygiene dream ingredients—American Eagle XP® Sharpen-Free and Sharpen-Free Thin Instruments. You know, the GOLD colored ones.

All About the XP Sharpen-Free

The patented technology of American Eagle XP Sharpen-Free instruments allows hygienists to use a unique scaling technique. This modified method of “shaving” deposit versus a “pop off” or fracturing approach significantly improves ergonomics and patient comfort. The XP Sharpen-Free instruments are not coated but created with a fusion of titanium nitride and carbon combined with stainless steel. This design allows these instruments to be truly sharpen-free throughout their usable lifespan, which is just as long, if not longer, than traditional stainless steel instruments, and retain their sharp edge the entire time. The best part is that your patients can tell the difference; trust me, they’ll love them as much as you do.

Patient Comfort 101

Patient comfort is so important in dentistry. It eases emotional strain for both the patient and clinician and improves patient compliance with treatment. Subgingival instrumentation can be stressful for patients that anticipate discomfort. A hygienist may find that these patients do not open as wide, sit as still, or adhere to consistency with their recall appointments. Conditioning patients to have a pleasant experience encourages them to be more compliant. Compliance allows hygienists to perform the most efficient patient care, which is necessary to improve the patient’s oral health. The hygienist battle cry stands: “We only want to help you!”

Luckily, we can improve patient comfort through something as simple as proficient instruments. XP Sharpen-Free instruments accomplish comfort and efficiency with ease. For example, the thinner blade design of an XP instrument allows for easier access of periodontal pockets and interproximal areas. Because these instruments are sharpen-free, the blade design is as thin as possible since any extra bulk to the blade for future sharpening is unnecessary. Now that’s sharp!

Sharp Instruments are the Key

It’s a simple equation: sharp instruments = comfortable scaling. We know that revisiting sharpening the hygiene kits every few weeks is rarely feasible for a busy hygienist. The best alternative is to rely on sharpen-free scalers that are replaced annually or as needed. By using the ever-sharp instruments XP offers, hygiene visits will be a breeze for you and the patient.

Better Deposit Removal

Removing subgingival deposit can be a comfortable experience with sharpen-free instruments. This is because sharp instruments are better at detecting deposit and require fewer working strokes to remove it effectively. A tooth will be more effectively debrided in less time with a sharp blade, and patients appreciate that (as does your wrist!) When an instrument is dull, which can happen as quickly as a week, it compromises effective outcomes.

For example, dull instruments can burnish calculus instead of removing it. Imagine the hygienist’s horror of viewing radiographs displaying burnished calculus despite all efforts. Unfortunately, with dull instruments, this happens a lot! Removing burnished calculus is also far more tenacious and causes more discomfort for the patient. A bonus is that XP sharpen-free instruments require less lateral pressure, reducing the “scraping” sound that often makes patients uncomfortable. Forget a new music station; the XP’s acoustics will be far more relaxing.

The Sharpest Tools in the Shed

Hygienists will be happy to know they can have a kit full of XP Sharpen-Free instruments if they want to. This line includes the tried and true, like the Columbia 13-14, the H6-7 sickle scaler, and all of your other favorites. I rely on American Eagle’s exclusive design of the Blackjack, made just for hygienists. The Blackjack is a universal sickle that is contra-angled so that the instrument handle is off to the side when scaling anterior teeth and not directly over your patient’s face, vastly improving their comfort level during anterior debridement.

Improving Patient Retention with Fewer Cancellations

Implementing sharpen-free instruments promotes a more comfortable visit for you and the patient. When a patient is impressed by the ease and pleasantness of a hygiene visit, they’re more likely to comply with treatment recommendations and keep their scheduled appointments. By replacing a few minutes of mutual sweating trying to remove tough deposits with a butter knife, you’ll be able to engage with your patient more and build on gaining the trust you need to do your job well.

“That was the most comfortable cleaning I’ve ever had.” Don’t you love when patients say that? It’s great when your patients can look forward to a visit with you, knowing that they won’t have a bad experience. Educate your patients by letting them in on your ever-sharp instrument secret. They’ll be comforted knowing that you provide the best care possible.

Bonus: Sharp Instruments Help with Hygienist Comfort Too

Hygienists gain more comfort with XP instruments too! Sharp instruments can prevent injury and pain. By implementing sharpen-free instruments, hygienists can use an ergonomic approach to scaling. They encounter less hand fatigue and musculoskeletal pain, which promotes a longer and healthier career as a hygienist. By working smarter instead of harder, you’ll get a real grasp on your career (minus carpal tunnel syndrome).

Thank You, I Didn’t Feel a Thing

Get ready to hear more than that after you’ve completed hygiene care with your new sharpen-free scalers. After a long day, you might even whisper that to your last autoclaved kit of the day. Boost productivity and take comfort in knowing that XP Sharpen-Free instruments come with a customer satisfaction guarantee and a limited lifetime warranty based on average life expectancy.

Title Tag: Improve Patient Comfort in Dental Hygiene with Sharpen-Free Scalers

Meta Description: By using American Eagle XP sharpen-free instruments in your dental hygiene procedures, you’ll experience fewer cancellations and increased treatment compliance by providing patients with the most comfortable experience possible.

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